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Image for BREAKING: Terrorist Democrats Put Out Interactive Online Map Targeting Tesla Owners’ Homes With Molotov Cocktails

BREAKING: Terrorist Democrats Put Out Interactive Online Map Targeting Tesla Owners’ Homes With Molotov Cocktails

Leftists turn to terrorism against battery-powered cars as their rage engulfs them.

FAKE NEWS ALERT: Top Economist Kirk Elliott Debunks Rumors Surrounding Bill For A Gold-Backed Currency That Is Circulating Across The Internet

However, he does believe we're going to have a gold-backed currency under Trump, but this bill isn't it.

1776 HAS COMMENCED AGAIN!!! Trump Has Moved The OG Declaration Of Independence Into The Oval Office!

This historic date will be known as the day America started taking back the vast wealth that was stolen and looted by the robber baron globalist neo-feudalist empire that's been hell bent on destroying Western civilization.

EXCLUSIVE: Will Trump’s Declassification Of The JFK Assassination Files Implicate Israel? 

Top JFK author and researcher Roger Stone says the President told him, "the world will be shocked!"

Ulrich Fromy | Mises Institute

The True Cost of War

Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. | Mises Institute

Kennedy Assassination Mysteries

Michael Curzon | The European Conservative

Shakespeare Faces Cancel Culture Because He Was White

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