EXCLUSIVE EPSTEIN BOMBSHELL REVELATIONS: The DOJ Raid On The NYC Headquarters Of The FBI Retrieved Over 14 TB Of Secret Epstein Investigation Material That Identified Hundreds Of New Child Victims
FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin went on to reveal from FBI sources at the DC headquarters that Kash Patel has ordered the FBI nationwide to treat the Epstein cover-up investigation as their highest priority and is distributing the motherload of pedo-gate files to offices across the nation.
VIDEO: Trump’s Declassification Of The Illegal Crossfire Hurricane Operation Clears The Way For The DOJ To Bring Massive Indictments Against The Democrat / Deep State Ringleaders
If there was any doubt that Trump was going to make good on his promise to prosecute those responsible for the attempted law enforcement / bureaucratic coup. This action certainly has Obama, Comey, Brennan, Schiff and others running scared.
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Trump Signs Pardon For Biden Crime Family Whistleblower Devon Archer Who Was Wrongfully Imprisoned For The Crimes He Exposed
FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin breaks down why Trump's action is so important to bring down the rest of the deep state mafia.
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Learn How The Publication The Atlantic Is At The Epicenter Of An International Spy Network Heavily Connected To Jeffrey Epstein
This intel network is currently running the Signal "leak" hoax scandal against the Trump administration.