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Image for EMERGENCY REPORT: The Globalists Have Now Launched A Domestic Terrorism Campaign Designed To Crash The Economy & Intimidate The American People Into Silence

EMERGENCY REPORT: The Globalists Have Now Launched A Domestic Terrorism Campaign Designed To Crash The Economy & Intimidate The American People Into Silence

In this critical report, Alex Jones breaks major news concerning high-level intel sources warning of a potential assassination plot against himself and other prominent Trump supporters.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: WH Intel Says There’s A Hit Contract Out On Alex Jones In An Attempt To Intimidate Trump Family

According to White House intel sources Alex Jones is a top target for hit teams.

FULL VIDEO: Watch SWAT Team Raid Infowars Host Chase Geiser’s Home At 1AM & Handcuff Him At Gunpoint In The Middle Of The Street

False police reports are getting SWAT teams called out to Infowars reporter's homes now.

Let’s Win This For Jamie White: Exclusive Interview

Watch & share this exclusive interview with Infowars writer Jamie White that was captured by Vivian Kubrick, daughter of the visionary Stanley Kubrick.

BREAKING: General Flynn Shares With Alex Jones Credible High-Level Intel That The Desperate Deep State Has Been Caught Discussing The Assassination Of Alex Jones & Other Leading Trump Supporters

Former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency warns plotters their operation has been EXPOSED from the inside & they will face justice!

Sarah Thompson | Brownstone Institute

The Vital Force of a Nation

Connor O'Keeffe | Mises Institute

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